Why Is Soy Considered a Smart Choice Protein? 5 Things to Know

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Since its domestication in Asia, Soy has managed significant access to most people’s nutrition. Soy is becoming a food chameleon as it can fit perfectly in various cuisines and recipes. Non-traditional consumers, mainly the Americas, currently hold the global soy production stakes. 

Soy nutrition is becoming a popular alternative to meat and dairy products for health and nutritional reasons. Here are five reasons why soy is considered a smart choice protein:

  1. A Complete Protein Alternative

With a tremendous increase in animal diseases and health-threatening consequences resulting from flesh-based diets like cancer, hypertension, et cetera., there have been notable attempts by many, many people to appreciate a plant-based diet. One of the most significant challenges with vegetarianism, or veganism, is the struggle with a perfect replacement for meat and animal products. There are many plant-based proteins, but most of them do not have the capacity to replace meat products because they lack significant amino acids adequately.

Versatile soy products have become a great option to fill the gap which results from practicing vegetarianism or a plant-based diet.  Compared to other plant-based proteins, soy provides complete nutrients in terms of amino acids. Whereas other plant-based proteins may miss some essential amino acids, soy contains almost all amino acids, with only one minor exception: methionine (a limiting amino acid).

Further processing has made soy provide not only the nutrients missed in meat foods but also the feeling and experience. This is because soy protein can further develop sensory characteristics that mimic real meat, offering both psychological satisfaction and nutritional adequacy when modified chemically or enzymatically. 

  1. Significant Health Benefits

Even without animal diseases, flesh diets still raise significant concerns with fat. Most of the fats in animal meat products are saturated and can increase the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. A replacement of animal meat products with soy meat secures complete freedom from the problems resulting from animal fat. 

Animal products are also associated with increased chances of cancer. Using soy-based products, which are rich in isoflavones, can help reduce the risk of hormone-associated cancers, including prostate and some breast cancers, as well as gastric cancer. A 2019 study indicates that soy products reduce the chance of having breast cancer by more than half. 

Soy also contains a load of vital minerals, which plays a significant role in enhancing health. Some of these minerals include potassium, iron, and magnesium. These minerals enhance physiological and bodily functions. 

  1. Environment-Friendly Protein

The environmental benefit of resorting to soy protein is an area that many people have not ventured into. The environmental impacts of the dairy and meat industries are cited as one reason to switch to plant-based alternatives.

One of the major concerns of the world today, which is significantly increasing over time, is the subject of the increase in greenhouse gases resulting in global warming. Livestock agriculture generates a lot of CO2 and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases over the entire process, from land use, transportation, enteric fermentation, and meat processing. Growing crops, on the other hand, is different and helps reduce global warming by clearing the environmental CO2. Soy specifically does more to the environment, not only by dealing with CO2 but even with nitrides through the nitrogen fixation process. 

Whereas there is criticism from some people that the growth of soy has led to deforestation in Latin America, it is clear that soy can effectively fit well in agroforestry and that animal products affect the environment more than in the absence thereof. It is also important to note that growing soybeans in the United States, the second largest producer of soybeans worldwide, does not lead to deforestation. Soy as a source of protein is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than animal meat products. 

  1. Comes in Various Forms and Recipes

Soy has demonstrated the unique ability to fit in various cuisines and recipes resulting from processing and amazing culinary art. 

Soy can be used to produce soy milk, replacing cow or goat milk. Soy milk is cholesterol-free yet can be enriched with phytochemicals like isoflavone to provide enhanced nutrition benefits. Soy milk is a great way to give our babies soy and enhance their health and nutritional capacity. 

Another processing method for soy products is fermentation, to make things like soy sauce and teriyaki sauce. Fermentation processes enhance flavor and add a lot of probiotics, improving the nutritional value. 

Soy can be consumed as soy meat and in beverages like drinking soya. The various recipes and forms in which soy can be consumed make it an easy all-around source of protein. 

  1. A Fiber Rich Protein 

One challenge with animal meat products is digestion. It takes a long time and can be very strenuous for the gut because of the lack of fiber, resulting in constipation. Soybeans have around 10 grams of fiber per cup compared to 0 grams per cup in animal proteins like steak, chicken, and fish. Soy is way safer for gut health compared to animal-based protein. 


Many people have appreciated soy as an alternative to animal-based protein. Soy is a smart choice protein and is generally the best alternative to an animal protein like beef. This article discusses five reasons to settle for soy for your protein requirements. 

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