What is the importance of e-waste recycling?

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By sanket

E-waste is a term used to describe goods that are no longer functional or are regarded as outdated. Much electronic equipment that continues to function well is now seen as antiquated due to the dizzying pace at which technological advancements occur. Consider how many VCRs were replaced when the DVD player was introduced. E-waste is produced when someone redesigns an electrical device because they believe they can do it better.

We are concerned about this since obsolete electronics have been piling up in landfills worldwide for a long time instead of recycling depots or bottle recycling depots in Calgary or your area. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that yearly, up to 60 million metric tons of e-waste are dumped in landfills in the United States alone.

What is E-waste Recycling?

E-waste recycling is highly beneficial and serves the community in many ways. You can use this process to keep hazardous devices away from humans and marine. There will be less dumping in landfills, and many functional parts from these devices can be extracted and reused.

It is easy to interpret that almost all electronic devices may contain waste that can be efficiently recycled. It’s ironic, in some ways, that these devices are called “e-waste” since they’re not waste at all. But in far too many instances, they are thrown away in landfills instead of sending them to the bottle depot in Calgary or any other recycling depot near you.

The procedure is straightforward: collect your outdated and unneeded devices like you would your trash. For this, a garbage container or bin works great. Gathering your larger appliances and smaller devices in a garage would be best. Contact an E-waste recycling business to plan a delivery or organize a bottle pick-up service.

Risks Associated with E-Waste

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that getting into touch with harmful substances seeping out of e-waste can harm your health. These include brominated flame retardants, polychlorinated biphenyls, and minerals like lead, cadmium, and chromium (PCBs). Inhaling the hazardous gases poses a risk, as does the buildup of toxins in the land, water, and food. Animals on land and in the sea are also at risk. The hazards are particularly severe in poorer nations since some rich countries transfer their e-waste there. According to studies, there are negative impacts of worldwide e-waste on both those who handle it and those who live nearby.

Benefits of e-waste recycling

1. Avoiding landfilling electronic trash

Avoiding landfilling electronic trash is crucial. E-waste is hazardous when incorrectly disposed of, according to the EPA. Heavy metals and hazardous materials are used in the manufacture of electronic equipment. Lead, cadmium, mercury, and other substances can leak into the soil and contaminate the air and rivers. The EPA estimates e-waste production e-waste to be at 60 million tonnes per year.  This item can be recycled to reduce landfill space. Due to these factors, numerous state laws currently prohibit e-waste in landfills.

2. Material reclamation

Copper, aluminum, plastic, glass, precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and other expensive materials are used to make electronic gadgets. These materials can be recovered through the recycling process. Nearly all electrical equipment is recyclable. Landfilling these items would be bad for environmental management.

3. Decreased demand for raw materials

The need for new raw materials will decline as valuable elements are recovered through recycling. This will support the preservation of crucial natural resources. According to the EPA, one metric tonne of circuit boards contains 800 times as much gold as one metric tonne of ore.

4. Reuse of products

If outdated electronics are repaired, put to good use, and given to a good cause, they can also be kept out of landfills. In most regions, a fast Google search will turn up a list of groups that refurbish used devices and donate them to needy people. Reusing materials is crucial to keeping them out of the trash stream.


Businesses may be held responsible if customer and employee data is compromised or abused. Legal responsibility may result from disposing of or donating outdated commercial technology.

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