The Dangers of Possums in Your Home: Health Risks and Property Damage

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By sanket

It is a well-known fact that animals stray into human homes in search of food, water, and shelter. They first attack kitchens or garbage cans which can be a main source of food supply. While some of these critters attack food storage may also cause a threat to us by damaging property and also carrying diseases. Among the animals that infest human homes in Australia, possums are quite a danger as they mess up your home, eat food, and also dirty the place with their feces. Since they are nocturnal they are tricky to catch and can be removed safely by possum removal Sydney specialists.

Possums by appearance may look cute and harmless but they cannot be taken lightly.  Once they make a nest they tend to settle in for a while and since they work during the night, you don’t know where and what they are doing. They also are under the protected list and cannot be killed. So to avoid legal issues it is best to hire certified exterminators like pest control Sydney experts who relocate them properly.

The dangers of possums settling in your premises are many. Firstly they carry many infections on their bodies and fur which can contaminate food and water sources. Secondly, they urinate and leave droppings that can also spread infections. Let us look at the risks you have to face if you get possum infestation-

Possums can attack if threatened

Possums are active but shy. They are nocturnal animals and rest throughout the day. If they face a human they first try to run away to avoid any direct interaction. But sometimes they may start making hissing noises to try to scare you away. They may however get defensive and attack if you come close to their babies. They can give a scratch or two though normally they like to stay away. For any possum infestation it is safest to call Possum Removal Sydney experts to do a better and safer removal.

Possums carry diseases

Possums carry ringworms, tapeworms, ticks, and mites which make their presence harmful to you and your pets. They carry particular bacteria, leptospira that causes leptospirosis. The infection happens in humans when they come in contact with possum droppings or urine through an open wound or cut. It gives rise to symptoms like muscle aches, body chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting. If left untreated it can get very severe with damage to the kidney, liver malfunction, meningitis, and respiratory issues.  Ringtail possums may also carry bacteria that cause a disease called Tularaemia.

Dangers to pets and livestock

Possums are carriers of fleas, lice, and other pathogens. If they stray into your premises they may infect the food and water source of your pet cat and dog by infecting their bowls. They may also pass on infections to your livestock animals. So if you spot possum activity it would be practical to immediately hire pest control Sydney experts to safeguard your domestic animals.

Dangers from smelling possum droppings

The most irritating thing about possum infestation is they make the area messy, dirty, and smelly with huge quantities of their feces. While the feces have an unpleasant smell it is dangerous to inhale as it has fungal spores that can get inside your cardiovascular system and lungs and infect your bloodstream.

Damages to insulation

Possums love nesting in high and hidden areas where they can be away from human activity. For this roof gaps and attics are their favorite nesting places. To build their nests they often tear apart insulation and also release their droppings on them. As a result over time you not only have to repair and replace the insulation but also tolerate the stench till you find a solution. This also raises your utility expenses.

Damage to electrical wiring

Possums have a habit of gnawing and may cause damage to electric wires and cables. This is dangerous as it can cause sudden fires and put your home and family members in danger. Possums can also damage household appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines.  

Cause structural damage to your property

Once possums gain entry into roofs and attics, they enlarge their entrance hole and also make new points to help them find their way in. This spoils your property and also increases your expenses.

Attack your garbage bins and garden

Possums love filth and garbage and make a mess around their garbage bins if kept open. They love fruits and vegetables and damage your flower beds, and vegetable gardens, and also attack young plants.

So remember all pests bring harm. So do possums and it is best that once you realize they are on your property, you have to get professional help to remove them and ensure they do not come back again to avoid all risks to you and your home.

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