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By sanket


SARMs for sale are replacing anabolic steroids for the purpose of physique and performance boosting purpose because of their ability to effectively increase muscle quality and quantity and they do not cause any of the serious side effects like anabolic steroids. 

A number of SARMs are available in the drug stores and one can also buy SARMs Australia from different drug portals operating online. All the SARMs are labelled as research chemicals as they are still undergoing trial and testing. 

Among all the best SARMs on the market RAD 140 has maximum number of votes in term of benefits and effectiveness. We will discuss all the aspects related to RAD 140 and channels to procure RAD 140 online worldwide. 

RAD 140:

RAD 140 for sale is the selective androgen receptor modulator that is available by the name of Testolone and is very effective for performance enhancement. It is used both in bulking and cutting cycles by the bodybuilders. It has a multi-action approach where it prevents any fat deposition and dissolves already present fat tissue, alongside helps in building the lean muscles and also improving the quality of the already present muscles. Overall, it helps in attaining a toned, strong and ripped body. 


As it is a selective androgen modulator so it targets the specific androgen receptors, which are present in the muscles and bone tissues. After binding to the receptor sites, it activates the protein formation and more muscle related amino-acid linking and compiling helps in making more muscle protein. Lean muscles that are free of fat is the main target of this protein synthesis.

New protein formation also helps in quick recovery from any tissue damage that occurs during exercise. Protection of musculature during heavy exercises such as load lifting is ensured. Helping in following a disciplined routine.


Testolone is available in orally consumed form and it is available in different strengths, names and forms. There are also legal alternatives of RAD 140 which are totally safe and organic. Two of the most promising versions of RAD 140 legal alternatives are:

  1. Testol 140 by Spectre Labs
  2. Rad Bulk by Spectre Labs

These two versions are claimed to be most authentic and safe and one can find the two variants at the online steroid stores or any online platform that deals in performance enhancement drugs. Spectre labs is the online platform that contains all types of SARMs and one can also buy RAD 140 and the legal alternatives of rad 140. It offers timely delivery and most economical prices. Well managed website with a 24/7 operational help desk is always at customer’s service. Simple order placement procedure and flexible terms and conditions make it one of the best choices of the buyers.


Most of the SARMS have more or less same effects on the body. Which are:

1. Muscle building, re-building and maintenance:

It has muscle building potential as it can increase testosterone levels which has anabolic abilities. It increases skeletal muscle formation and an estimated increment between 10 to 15 lbs. is observed at the end of the cyclic intake.

2.Increase strength and endurance:

It increases strength and endurance levels and one can train better at gym with enhanced stamina. It has the ability to combat any king of fatigue and by doing so it increases endurance.

3. Fat burning:

It acts as a metabolism booster and by doing so it can burn the fats by 12 to 17 % of the total body fat. As it cuts fat makes room for the lean muscles that are dense and strong.

4. Rapid tissue recovery potential:

Calorie stricken diet and extensive work out can lead to tissue, tendon or ligament injury so it helps in growing the muscles in place of the injured tissue. Enhanced vascularization also helps in rapid recovery.

5.Improving bone density and bone repair:

It re-enforces the mineral cortex of the bone and makes it dense and strong and less prone to fracture or damage.


It is still under research and trials so no definitive conclusion for dose is there and mostly the cycle for men is started with 10mg of dose per day. The most commonly consumed cycle is for 8 weeks. 

For females it is recommended to take 5mg of drug and do not exceed the dosage to avoid side effects, as they have low tolerance level.


Usually not very serious side effects are there but it is very unlikely to have nil side effects. Some of the rad 140 side effects are:

  • Testosterone suppression
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Hair growth
  • Scalp hair loss
  • Acne
  • Mood swigs
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Gynecomastia
  • Sex drive changes

Side effects are dose dependent and it is advised to run a PCT to eliminate the side effects.s

TESTOL 140 BY Spectre Labs:

It is a very potent and effective rad 140 alternative. It builds muscle, increases strength and endurance, strengthen bones, repairs tissue and boosts energy and stamina. It is a safer alternative to anabolic steroids as it does not cause any life-threatening side effects. Its composition is such that it builds muscles and hinders any muscle or bone tissue wastage. It contains all organic ingredients which are:

  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin D3
  • Conjugated linoleic acid
  • Fenugreek
  • Ashwagandha


40 mgs per day that makes 4 capsules of each containing 10 mg of RAD 140. It works best as pre-workout supplement. Protein rich diet is mandatory to achieve bulking goals.

RADBULK BY Spectre Labs:

It is another legal variant that works exceptionally well because of its multi-directional mechanism of action. It strips away all possible fats replacing it with lean muscle deposition. increased Metabolic rate helps in burning fat and ensuring rapid builds and speedy recovery. Increased vascularity ensures high energy levels and physique enhancements and also counters any muscle wasting condition. The composition contains:

  • Wild yam root
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine HCL
  • Safflower oil powder
  • Dimethylaminoethanol
  • Choline bitartrate


It comes in a pill form and 2 pills are recommended per day. It is also recommended as a pre-workout supplement to be taken 45 minutes before to ensure maximum absorption followed by maximum effects.



Rad 140 efficacy and potential will earn a seat for curing medical conditions such as osteoporosis or muscle wasting disorders. The testing and trials are continuously underway to give it a status as a prescribed drug, but it is only possible after enough human trials are done and a clear picture regarding the adverse effects is established.

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