Instander APK Download Latest Version 2023

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By JamesD

Instagram Pro is one of the world’s leading social networks and also, one of my biggest sources of entertainment online. Here, I get first-hand posts from my favorite celebrities and influencers that provide me with entertaining content of which I so deserve. I also get to share my life’s moments with friends and followers as I also get to experience theirs through their stories. However, like many other social platforms, it lacks a few minor user-experiences features, and that’s why developers tend to come up with their own satisfactory versions of these applications and the Instander APK seems to be the best app alternative for Instagram.

What is Instander APK?

Do you know you can’t download a media file such as videos or images posted on Instagram without a downloader? Or how you cannot be mysterious on people’s stories and posts by ghosting your presence? Or even how you cannot get a verification badge without undertaking a long and tiresome process as well as a journey through your life on the Network? Well, these and many more are some of the few issues that tend to affect the users of the original Instagram application. Instander APK is an Instamod developed for Android devices to help Instagram users get access to extra helpful features that can help solve the above issues. This application allows you to get access to your Instagram account through its platform as an alternative to the basic IG application. In return, you get to have the ultimate social experience through its amazing features unlocked from the official app. The developer thedise (Dmitry Gavrilov) designed this as safe as possible and an application that guarantees users an awesome browsing experience without any risk of getting banned for using mods because it comes pre-installed with effective and professional anti-ban properties.

The latest version of the Insta Pro provides you with all unlocked features plus fixed bugs and updates to the previous version. Being an Instamod, don’t expect to find the app posted on Play Store because it’s restricted. However, you can follow the provided link and download the latest version of the Instander APK today to get the best social experience online. DOWNLOAD CLONE DOWNLOAD UNCLONE What is the difference between Clone & UnClone? These two apps were developed by the same developer, and the features are the same. The only difference is their package names which help us to install two Insta apps on one android smartphone. Clone comes with package name, and it can be installed as a standalone application. Unclone comes with com.insta package name, and it needs the original Instagram to be uninstalled first to get a successful output.


Instander is an Instamod that can perform all the Instagram functions and provides similar features as well. It was mainly designed to offer a variety of many other extra features that users have been crying for but couldn’t access from the original app and they include the following: Download pictures and videos Download-pictures-and-videos I’m a big fan of hilarious vines, and Instagram is one of my biggest suppliers for these videos online.

Here, all my cravings for memes and vines are usually satisfied, but the feeling is always short-lived whenever I try downloading these funny images and videos onto my device. Using third-party downloaders tend to have their perks but end up disappointing once they start popping up ads every second and grow in size on your device. Using the Instander APK not online allows you to download images and videos and save them onto your device, but it also allows you to delete the original application and save on space using it as the main platform for accessing your IG account.

 Browse through the network and whenever you come across anything you like; you can always download it to your smartphone just by tapping the download icon on under the desired file. Close Friends List Close-Friends-List Sometimes I prefer sharing my posts or stories with everyone but the chosen few, probably because the content may contain an inside joke that only they could decode and find funny.

That’s my reason, and some of you probably have many others. However, with the Instander APK, you can create your own list of close friends from out of your follower’s list, and choose to share your story with them alone. You can make adjustments by adding or removing people from this friends list whenever you like, and they won’t even get notified either way. The photos and videos that are shared to your friends in this list also tend to have a special label that distinguishes them from other normal shared files. Finally, people you share with can see that you’re sharing with close friends but won’t be able to get access to the list because only you can view it whenever you like.

Instander Hide Stories from List Instander-Hide-Stories-from-List For privacy and to prevent unwanted snoopers, at times, I tend to hide my stories from certain people I don’t think can handle my posted content appropriately.

The Instander app allows you to hide all photos and videos that you would like to post on your stories from specific people of your choosing, and this includes live videos. Now you can post any content you want, provided it’s in line with the app’s terms and conditions, you can enjoy creating your posts and let the chosen few enjoy watching them. Allow Message Replies Allow-Message-Replies We’ve all got those negative individuals who are always ‘hating’ and can’t wait to reply to your every post just so that they can give you a piece of their unwanted opinion in their replies. Well, at least I know that I have this issue and probably a few others too. With the normal Instagram platform, there is no way to ignore such a person’s negative vibes since they always pop up at the top of the screen. Using the Instander application instead, however, you can choose to allow, message replies to either everyone, people you know or disable replies entirely.

Final Words

Save Story to Archive Save-Story-to-Archive If you don’t have enough space on your device to download and save a few more pictures and videos, you can turn this feature on, and it will automatically save photos and videos in your archive, so you don’t have to see them on your phone. Also, you get to create some privacy because since it’s only you who can access your account with a password, intruders won’t be able to get access to these photos on your device. Save live to archive – Your live videos can be saved to your archives for 30 days of which, only you can see them.

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