How To Prepare for Plastic Surgery

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Having plastic surgery is a decision that requires careful thought and planning from start to finish. lipo 360 Proper preparation before the day of your plastic surgery can help increase the safety and success of the procedure. This includes following the instructions provided by your plastic surgeon to get the desired results. Here are some tips to help you prepare for plastic surgery:

Get Medical Clearance

You should be in good health before you get plastic surgery to minimize your risk of complications. Your plastic surgeon may ask for clearance from your general doctor before your surgery. A physical evaluation can help determine any conditions that may put you at risk of surgery complications. It can help determine if you are healthy enough for surgery. If the results of your medical evaluation indicate that you are not in top condition for surgery, you may need to postpone your surgery until your health issues resolve. 

Check Your Supplements and Medications

Although supplements like vitamins and herbal medicines are often used to boost health, they may react to your surgery medications, causing complications. When discussing surgery with your plastic surgeon, let them know of all the supplements you take for advice on if they are safe.

Your plastic surgeon may advise you to avoid taking any supplements that could cause complications for a few weeks before the surgery. You may also need to stop taking certain medications before lipo 360. Consult your primary care doctor to get all your medicines cleared.

Stop Smoking 

The nicotine in cigarettes restricts blood flow, preventing oxygen from getting to your cells, which slows healing. Slow healing may put you at risk of getting an infection. There is also a possibility of forming a scar when your incision site takes longer to heal.

Avoiding cigarettes for at least four weeks after surgery decreases your risk of wound complications by 50%. The moment you quit smoking, your body begins to heal. Your heart and lungs work better, and the nicotine levels in your blood reduce, improving blood and oxygen flow to your cells. 

Avoid Alcohol 

Like cigarettes, alcohol increases your risk of complications and may result in issues that affect your recovery. Alcohol acts as a blood thinner, increasing your chances of post-operative bleeding. Anesthesia slows your heart rate, blood circulation, and breathing. Alcohol acts on the same body systems as anesthesia, affecting how the body absorbs the sedative. Even a single pre-surgery drink can cause complications. Avoid alcohol a few days before your plastic surgery.

Adopt Healthy Habits

Recovery after plastic surgery can be easier and faster when your body is physically healthy. Adopt habits that boost your well-being during the weeks leading up to your surgery. You can choose habits like eating healthier foods and getting your body moving daily. 

Eat lean meats like salmon and other proteins to improve your body’s healing properties. You may be less active right after surgery, as well as taking medications, which can trigger digestion issues. Before and after surgery, load up on fruits, green vegetables, and yogurt to promote gut health. This may help you avoid issues like constipation. 

Ask Questions

Knowing what to expect can make you feel more confident and assured heading into surgery. Ask your plastic surgeon questions about the procedure and post-surgery recovery. Most plastic surgery clinics have before and after pictures so that you can see the expected results of the surgery.  

Some plastic surgeons prepare pre-op booklets for their patients that can explain everything you need to know before your plastic surgery. Reading the pre-op pamphlets can help you know what questions to ask your surgeon so that there are no surprises on surgery day or afterwards. 

Prepare for Recovery 

After talking to your surgeon and reading your plastic surgery pamphlet, you’ll have a better idea of the preparations you need to make to help your recovery. Your recovery journey starts the minute you walk out of the hospital. Get someone to pick you up from the hospital and watch over you for a day as the anesthesia wears off. 

Stock up on groceries and any other items you need in the house before leaving for the hospital. If your doctor recommends a special diet after surgery, get all the food you need for the beginning of your recovery period. Depending on your surgery, you may need special items like compression garments or a humidifier. If you have surgery around the upper half of your body, your doctor may advise you to get clothes you don’t have to pull over your head to wear.

Visit a Plastic Surgeon Today

Your plastic surgeon will likely walk with you before, during, and after your surgery. This provides the opportunity for you to ask last minute questions and stay informed about the procedue. Following the surgeon’s advice can help improve your recovery experience. Choose a plastic surgeon you trust so that you feel comfortable talking with them about your concerns. 

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