How To Find The Best Vehicle Trackers

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A car is a high-value purchase or asset, often requiring financing options. However, the National Insurance Crime Bureau car theft hot spot report shows that car theft is on the rise in most US US states, with over 900000 vehicles reported stolen in 2021.

The statistics above emphasize the need to invest in a vehicle tracker. Besides vehicle security, vehicle trackers have secondary benefits, including monitoring driving performance and efficient route planning, resulting in lower fuel costs.

However, vehicle trackers are not a one-size-fits-all affair. Therefore, follow the tips below to select the best vehicle tracker for your car safety needs.

1. Consider Compatibility

As stated earlier, GPS vehicle trackers are not cookie-cutter solutions. Therefore, you must prioritize finding the best vehicle trackers like RAM tracking that are compatible with the vehicle you intend to track. 

Compatibility is crucial in a vehicle tracker for two primary reasons. First, a compatible device integrates seamlessly into your vehicle’s system, optimizing data collection. Second, compatibility ensures that the GPS tracking device does not hamper your vehicle’s performance. 

Most GPS vehicle trackers on the market are effective when installed on vehicles sold in the US from any year, brand, and model. However, car manufacturers may recommend specific GPS car tracker models due to better integration features. Therefore, consider the integration features for compatibility when selecting a vehicle tracker for your car.

2. User Experience With The Vehicle Tracker App

Besides the hardware installed onto your car, vehicle trackers typically feature an app installable on your phone, PC, or tablet. Such apps receive and display your car’s positional data from the GPS hardware, refine it, and allow you to view it conveniently on your device. The information that GPS vehicle-tracking apps process includes the car’s direction and surroundings, speed, acceleration, and signs of reckless driving. 

However, GPS-vehicle-tracking apps operate somewhat differently, despite serving the same core function. For starters, they feature different data update/ refresh rates; some vehicle-tracking apps do not support the live tracking option. 

Moreover, some apps cannot track data from GPS devices that go offline when the driver turns the car off.  Others fail to log trips made by a vehicle without internet connectivity.

Also, vehicle-tracking apps collect tons of private, yet they have varying security levels to track this information. Finally, the apps’ user interfaces also matter because an intuitive interface makes the data more accessible. Therefore, consider such app features to get the best value and experience from your vehicle tracker.

3. Reliability

A reliable vehicle tracker should operate consistently, delivering constant uptime, battery consumption, and accurate data. The data accuracy and downtime show that the device’s receiver and software are functioning efficiently. Moreover, the hardware should match the software’s performance, lasting up to or beyond its projected shelf life.

Second, vehicle trackers often require customer support services; unlike fast-moving consumer goods like groceries, whereby you shop and forget about the vendor, vehicle trackers often require customer support services. Consequently, reliability when evaluating a vehicle tracking device transcends the device’s performance to include the vendor’s customer service team’s availability. 

Therefore, conduct due diligence to ensure you purchase an efficient divide from a vendor or brand willing to meet you at your point of need beyond the purchase. Also, most vehicle tracker vendors are reluctant to repair unreliable vehicle trackers, so always inquire about the services included in a vendor’s after-sale service package.

4. Consider The Gadget Type

Vehicle trackers are available in three design options, a plug-in device, a hard-wired device, and a battery-operated device. Each device type has its pros and cons based on your needs.

For starters, plug-in GPS vehicle trackers are popular because they facilitate easy installation and feature a small size for discretion. However, they go offline once the driver turns off the vehicle, making accessing live data challenging.

On the other hand, hard-wired devices require a more laborious installation process to integrate into the vehicle. Most mechanics install such trackers under the dashboard. 

The hard-wired tracker’s primary advantage is its installation process makes removing them more challenging. Also, it connects to the vehicle’s power line and has a constant energy supply, ensuring you receive accurate data on demand. However, it requires more maintenance and goes offline when the driver turns the vehicle off.

Lastly, the battery-operated vehicle trackers feature a robust battery that runs independently from the vehicle. Their primary advantage is they require less maintenance. However, they generate and send fewer data reports to the app to conserve energy.

Therefore, weigh each design element against your needs when shopping for the best vehicle tracker for your car.

5. Budget

Car tracker acquisition typically features a monthly or annual subscription. The subscription typically covers the GPS tracking services alongside secondary services included in the subscription plan. 

Therefore, consider the services included in each service or subscription plan before purchasing the plan. Cheap plans with basic features may lack vital services, while some premium plans may be too costly for no apparent reason.

Second, consider taking a monthly service plan rather than a semi-annual or annual plan, especially if you are unfamiliar with the vendor. The last thing you need is to be stuck with a service that does not satisfy your needs, robbing you of peace of mind. 

6. Technical Elements

Telematics, or the technology utilized in vehicle tracking, constantly evolves, generating new features that enhance the tracker’s security capacity. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the field to identify emerging features that meet your security needs.


Vehicle trackers are crucial for keeping your vehicle safe and facilitating vehicle recovery after theft. However, they are a high-involvement purchase with numerous features worth considering before committing. The tips above are basic considerations to help you select the best vehicle tracker for your car.

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