Does Alcoholics Anonymous Work?

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By sanket

AA meetings or Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings are a congregation of alcoholics that gives them a forum to meet and talk about their problems and challenges concerning substance abuse. It could also be a platform for sharing their joys, their success stories, and more! To understand whether AA meetings work or not, it is important to understand the 12 traditions based on which AA functions. We take a look at the 12 steps or 12 traditions of AA and attempt a fair understanding of the same. 

The 12 Traditions of AA

1.Unity is paramount when it comes to the ethos of AA meetings. Therefore, common welfare should come first. The personal recovery of every member of the AA congregation would depend on the unity established in Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings. 

2.The only ultimate authority above every member is none other than the Almighty. He expresses himself through the conscience of the group members. Any leader who has been appointed by group members is not a leader meant for governance. They are rather our trusted servants. 

3.The only requirement for registering with any alcoholics anonymous meeting is the desire to stop drinking. There is no other prerequisite for being a part of any AA meeting. Whether one succeeds or not in this attempt to stay sober is of no consequence. What matters is whether there is an inherent desire to quit drinking or not. 

4.Each AA group is likely to be autonomous except, of course, in matters that affect other groups or other AA meetings as a holistic unit. 

5.The primary purpose of any AA meeting is to carry the message to that one alcoholic who continues to suffer. If the message heads home to any alcoholic who continues to suffer, the purpose is served. 

6.No AA group has the right to share the term or the name “AA” with or to lend, finance, or endorse it for any facility that is outside the AA enterprise. The purpose is never to allow problems of prestige, property, and money to divert from the primary purpose of holding these AA meetings in the first place! There should be no profit-centric motives involved. 

7.No AA group must ever accept external contributions. They need to be self-supporting in every way. There is no provision for accepting any monetary or non-monetary favor in any form. 

8.The group needs to remain non-professional under all circumstances. However, if needed, special workers may be employed by the group. 

9.AAs should never be organized. However, service boards or even committees for serving the members of AA meetings can be created. These congregations are voluntary. They are never formally arranged, and members aren’t invited. Those who wish to join in simply. Even if 2 members have joined on a particular day, the meeting is still conducted. 

10.There is no opinion that the group should have about any outside issues. There are no digressions allowed in terms of topics. It is to be understood that none of these AA meetings should ever be dragged into any kind of controversy. The only topics that are discussed here include matters related to alcoholism and discussions that can help those who need support for emerging from alcoholism.

11.The public relations policy of any AA meeting is based on attraction and not on promotion. Anonymity is the essence of AA meetings, and the same has to be maintained at the level of films, radio, as well as the press. 

12.The spiritual foundation of any AA meeting is anonymity, which cannot be compromised on any account. Therefore, when it comes to AAs, principles are always prioritized over personalities. 

The success of AA meetings depends on a thorough understanding of all these principles and putting them to good use. Once these principles have been understood, finding a convenient AA meeting in Texas that you can attend is the next step. Once the AA meeting has been zeroed upon, here are some more aspects to keep in mind. 

Making AA Meetings a Success: Aspects to Keep in Mind 

Some personal aspects to keep in mind for making AA meetings work include:

13. Maintain regularity: Always select a meeting that is easy to access. That way, skipping meetings will never be a possibility. You will be able to maintain regularity in the manner in which it is required. Attending every meeting as per schedule is important for the best results. 

14. Always Be on Time: Sticking to punctuality is important for ensuring success in AA meetings. You need to be on time and follow the schedule of the meeting. Consider making the most of the time you have at hand and utilize it to gather as much motivation and knowledge as you can to help you with your substance abuse problem.

15. Start with Listening: Begin your AA association with listening. Just because you have become part of an AA meeting does not mean you need to talk. You can always begin by being a good listener. Try and understand what others are speaking of. Pick up important facts about their life and try and extrapolate them in yours. Attempt to become inspired by their stories. Try for a sound understanding of facts and make judgments accordingly. Never consider making hasty conclusions. Make sure you process the information in your head and arrive at conclusions that serve your cause. 

16. Gradually Move to Share: Once you have attended a couple of meetings and have become comfortable with the rules, traditions, and how things progress, you can attempt to share your story before others. This will allow you to associate with the meeting on a more personal level and will also help in expressing your thoughts and feelings. Consider choosing an opportune moment and speak your heart out. 

Owing to the recent pandemic situation, AA meetings are also being held online. If you are not able to step out, online meetings also help in ensuring success. Remember, problems concerning alcoholism increase when there is a lack of social support. Meetings and interactions help in ensuring speedy recovery from alcoholism. 

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