SEO Tips and Tricks: How to Boost Your Organic Traffic in 2023

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By JamesD


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a big part of the digital marketing world. It’s also one of the most misunderstood. When you hear people talking about SEO, they often mean things like keyword stuffing and backlinking, which can get your website penalized by Google. In reality, there are many things you can do to improve your organic search results in the future!

Optimize for long-tail keywords

When you’re optimizing for long-tail keywords, it’s important to use the right combination of keywords. You should also use the right amount of keywords and keyword density.

  • Use the right combination: You’ll want to target as many different types of searches as possible when creating your content strategy, but you can’t just throw any old thing into your articles or blog posts—you need high-quality content that will attract users who are interested in what you have to say about each topic. For example, if someone searches for “how do I become a web developer,” their first step should be reading an article like this one! The point is that if there’s only one way (or two) out there which provides value for readers then they’re unlikely ever find this information elsewhere so why bother?
  • Use enough: One reason why many small businesses fail at SEO isn’t because they don’t know how but rather because they lack enough time on their hands so taking things slowly works better than rushing ahead without giving yourself enough time first before anything happens at all.”

Watch out for problems with your site’s mobile experience.

Mobile users are important. The number of mobile users has been steadily increasing for years, and it’s expected to continue growing. As more people use their phones to access the internet, Google and other search engines have taken notice and started showing mobile traffic as a percentage of total traffic to your site in their SERPs (search engine results pages).

Mobile users are also more likely than desktop users to interact with your website on social media sites like Twitter or Facebook—which means you need a good mobile experience if you want them to come back again!

Consider using HTTPS inbound links.

HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. It’s more secure for search engines and visitors to your website, because it encrypts all of the data transmitted between you and the search engine. This prevents hackers from stealing sensitive information like credit card numbers or passwords when they intercept traffic on their way to Google’s servers.

HTTPS links are also more likely to rank higher in search results than HTTP links because they’re indexed by Google faster than non-HTTPS pages—a fact which has been demonstrated by performance studies conducted by both Google themselves as well as SEO experts like Moz’s Rand Fishkin (who often recommends using HTTPS). 

Make your content more accessible to search engines.

One of the most important things you can do to get more organic traffic is make your content more accessible to search engines. This means:

  • Making sure that the text of your articles is easy-to-read, so users don’t have to strain their eyes or fingers.
  • Making sure that the text of your articles is easy-to-understand, so users don’t have to spend time deciphering what they’re reading.
  • Making sure that the text of your articles is easy-to-find, so users don’t have trouble finding what they want on a page they’ve been looking for all day long (or even just this hour).
  • Making sure that when someone searches something in Google or another search engine, it will come up first (and right) at least some percentage of the time – otherwise known as “ranking high”.

Use Schema Markup and Microformats.

Schema markup is a way to describe your content in a structured way. It allows search engines to understand the structure and meaning of your website, so they can better understand and index it.

Microformats are also used by search engines to improve relevancy of their results pages. For example, if you have an article about “cats” on your site, then this information will be indexed by Google when it discovers that there are microformats related to cats: #cat or #feline-related-content.

Build links manually.

The most important thing to remember when building links is that it’s a long-term process. You can’t just go out and find some links and expect them to magically appear in your rankings, but if you consistently build relationships with the right people at the right times, over time they will start linking back to you.

This may sound like common sense, but this is exactly what makes link building so difficult—and it’s also why we recommend starting early on in your journey as an SEO expert or marketer.

If you build your links over a long period of time and consistently add value, then you should see results. This is why it’s important to not just focus on building links, but also on creating content that people want to share with others. If people are sharing your content, they’re more likely to link back to it as well—so create something worth linking!

There are a lot of things you can do to improve your organic search results in the future.

  • There are a lot of things you can do to improve your organic search results in the future.
  • One way is by focusing on improving the quality and content of your website, which will make it easier for Google and other search engines to find what they need. This includes creating great content that has links back to your site from other places online, as well as writing articles that provide valuable information for people who are looking for it.

Another strategy involves using SEO techniques such as keyword research and social media marketing strategies so that people know exactly what they’re looking at when they visit one of your pages.

Another way to improve your page ranking is by having a good user experience. This means that the design of your site should be easy to navigate and simple to use, so that people can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. You also want to make sure that you’ve included social media sharing buttons on each page of your website so that people can spread the word about what they see online.


In summary, the future of SEO will be dependent on the way you use keywords and adjust your site to work best with search engines. The most important thing is to always keep an eye on what’s happening in the industry so that you can adapt and improve your strategy as necessary.

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