The Pros and Cons of Detox Diets

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By sanket

So you binged on junk food last weekend and have what all of us who fall for this have – regret. It’s the worst feeling. Forget weight loss; such binge episodes leave our bodies wanting to be cleansed of all the toxins. So what do we do? We detox. How do we do it? Read on to know.

Detox Diet

The goal of a detox diet is to rid the body of toxins and other harmful substances. This makes the body healthier and better able to do its job. It’s similar to fasting because you have to cut out certain foods and substances from your diet.

A detox diet consists mainly of slowly cutting out unhealthy foods and substances from your diet and replacing meals and snacks with juices.

As part of a detox diet, some people choose juices that are made up of nothing but fruits and vegetables. This is a good way to get the recommended daily amount, which is something that many people find hard to do. This also means adding a wealth of vitamins and minerals to our bodies.

You can stick to a detox diet for as little as a few days or as long as a few weeks. Despite this, many people think the benefits of a detox diet are worth the time and effort.

But you should know that there are some problems with it.

A major problem with any detox diet is that you might not get enough fiber, which is important for keeping your digestive system healthy and working well, and for feeling full.

Also, these diets are usually low in calories, with 1600 calories or less most of the time. Because of this, they can be considered extreme diets.

So it’s very important to understand that a detox diet should be a short-term, occasional practice.

Surely, all this cleansing must come with weight loss?

People who want to lose weight often choose a detox diet. In many cases, a detox diet does help people lose weight, mostly because it takes out foods that are hard to digest. Consuming foods that are complex can cause one to retain water, which can lead to an increase in body weight. Getting rid of these complicated foods will naturally result in weight loss.

Having said that, it is essential to keep in mind that the majority of this weight loss is just water weight. Because of this, going back to your old eating habits will almost certainly cause you to gain back the weight that you lost, which suggests that a detox diet is not necessarily the best solution for sustained weight loss.

Your metabolic rate drops, which in turn slows down the process by which your body burns fat. This happens when you go on a diet for an extended period of time that eliminates certain foods. As a result, once you have completed the diet, it is highly likely that you will gain the weight back, and in many instances, it is possible that you will end up gaining even more weight than you had before.

There are benefits you can’t ignore.

Still, there is a bright side to weight loss and detox diets. It only takes a few days of consistent practice, but it can help you develop healthier eating habits. There are a lot of people who are successful in breaking away from their unhealthy eating patterns, which is a wonderful beginning to cut down on cravings and get started on a journey toward better nutrition.

The most effective strategy for long-term, sustainable weight management is always and invariably a combination of a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet and consistent physical activity.

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