How to unclog blocked ears? Detailed explanation by ENT doctor in Delhi

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By Sobaralex

One of the biggest fears of flying in an airplane for most people is ear congestion or ear clogging. It is a feeling when the ears get plugged up, which has another name called airplane ear. However, according to the top ENT doctor in Delhi, flying is not the only reason you might experience muffled hearing, and suddenly, there is a need to unclog your blocked ears.

Both external and internal factors might be responsible for blocked ears and can cause immense discomfort and pain. It will also affect your balance and hearing if it persists for a longer period. Thus, it is necessary to visit the best ENT hospital in Delhi and consult an ENT doctor in Delhi if you are suffering from extreme symptoms of blocked ears. 

What can Cause Blocked Ears?

There can be various reasons for clogged ears, including:

  • Sinus infections
  • Allergies
  • Blocked Eustachian tubes
  • A benign growth called acoustic neuroma from the inner ear to the brain
  • Severe cough and cold
  • Buildup of earwax
  • Rapid or frequent changes in the air pressure present outside the body

What are the Severe Symptoms of Blocked Ears?

There are severe symptoms of blocked ears that might lead to some serious difficulties, like

  • Pain
  • Dizziness
  • Ear ringing
  • Ear discharge
  • Loss in hearing

If you have been suffering from any one of the above symptoms, it is time to visit an ENT doctor in Delhi. Only a professional expert can identify the actual cause of your problems and decide the appropriate treatment plan. 


How soon can one return to normal activities after unclogging the blocked ears?

Anyone can resume their normal activities within one day after the treatment from the ENT doctor in Delhi. The doctor might ask for a follow-up checkup and prescribe an antibiotic ear drop to prevent any infection. After a few days, the ENT specialists might recommend a hearing test to make sure there is no damage to the ears.

How can you Unclog your Blocked Ears as per the advice of an ENT doctor in Delhi?

Your ENT doctor in Delhi might advise the below procedures to unclog your blocked ears.

  1. Eustachian Tube Opening

Eustachian tube is present in an area between the back of the nose and throat and behind the eardrum. There are two Eustachian tubes behind every ear. It maintains the air pressure balance behind and outside the eardrum areas. You can unblock clogged ears with the help of two maneuver methods:

  • The Toynbee maneuver

You have to pinch your nostrils close, close your mouth, and then swallow.

  • The Valsalva maneuver

You have to pinch your nostrils and close your mouth. After that, forcefully breathe out without letting any air escape through the nose or mouth.

  1. Using a Saline Spray

A saline or a nasal spray can relieve the inflammation or sinus blockage, which will finally help you unclog the blocked ears. However consult an ENT doctor in Delhi to know the correct way of using the saline spray.

  1. Yawn or Swallow to equalize the pressure

You can open or close the Eustachian tubes while performing numerous activities like yawning or swallowing. Thus, with no underlying conditions such as an infection or an allergy, yawning or swallowing will clear your ears without complexity. They will create an equalized pressure that will pop your ear.

Final Words

Blocked ears are not a serious problem if taken care of immediately, but they can be in grave danger if the symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks. Thus, if you are experiencing blocked ears, you can treat this medical condition with the help of a renowned ENT doctor in Delhi. The doctor might suggest decongestants, antihistamines, nasal sprays, or, at last, surgery from the best ENT hospital in Delhi if the root cause is unresolved.

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