How to improve GTA 5 online load times by 70 percent by a simple DDL

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By sanket

The mods of gaming in every GTA account need to be revised. However, sometimes, someone comes up with one that is great and so fundamental that you are amazed why the inventor did not do the identical thing into a patch.

Most users find it an issue of load times; they prefer to load the game quickly. However, the player using the ordinary account or a GTA 5 modded account finds it an issue, and they need some solution to fix this issue.

1. Improvement of load times of GTA Online

A hacker showed a solution for the GTA online load times, and it is so simple and easy that you all will be wondering why the game’s developers, known as Rockstar Company, did not take care of this problem from the start. Undoubtedly, the load times of GTA 5 online are fierce. The load times are identical for the players using GTA modded accounts or ordinary accounts.

An illogical poll directed last summer on Reddit exposed that most gamers were waiting for four to six minutes for the start of the game, and more than thirty-five percent had more than six-minute load times. In some of the worst cases, the load time was more than fifteen minutes.

2. Finding the reason for longer load times

A hacker who went through the TOst focused on the problem of the reason for longer load times of about six minutes or more. After dumping the process stack, he discovered that two bottlenecks maximized a solitary CPU thread. A JSON file containing about 63000 items could have been more efficient in parsing with a poorly written routine.

The JSON file accommodated the items purchased from the in-game stores or shops. The routine looks through every entry in the file and stores them in a sequence. Moreover, with each pass, it again checks the whole array for the copies before putting the latest item. This procedure goes on longer and longer as the sequence array grows.

3. solution to the problem of longer load times

To solve this issue, a simple DDL was created by TOst that eliminates the two bottlenecks. The first one fixes the ‘caches’ of the long string lengths. It is written by TOst, who notes that if it is called another time along with the range of the string, then it will pay back the cached value.

Since this fix eliminates the repeat entries, the duplicate check is no longer essential. Hence, the role of the second part of the DDL is to insert the values in the array with a sequence simply.

4. Results of the fix

The results of the fix (the two patches) are extraordinary. Hence, the hole was installed with only the check of the duplication. It is good that the load times were decreased to 4.5 minutes as before it was about six minutes, and for some gamers, it was more than six minutes. The JSON parser was very effective as it reduced the load times by almost two minutes and fifty seconds.

It also implemented both patches in DDL, enhancing the load times by approximately 70 percent. The results might be different depending on the rig configuration. However, the amendments should significantly improve the loading speeds for any setup.

5. What was the vision of TOst after finding the fix to the problem?

TOst uploaded the concept’s proof on GitHub, by which he warns that injecting it online may get you suspended. Moreover, his writings on how he discovered and then fixed the issue are a great read, too. He put his hopes on that one day, the Rockstart Company will find out about its PoC, and it will provide the official patch.

Hence, it is not `an uncooperative demand for the sever-year-old cash cow of the studio.

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