3 Yoga Poses for Beginners

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By Richard Maxwell

Yoga has many benefits if you practice daily and achieve the correct form. As a beginner, you should start slow and work your way to more complex moves. You’ll gradually increase your strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance, which are helpful when performing more challenging poses. Here’s an overview of three daily yoga poses for beginners:

1. Mountain Pose

The mountain pose (Tadasana) is one of the easiest to accomplish and suits all beginners. You can use the pose to reduce anxiety, build confidence, and lay the groundwork for future standing poses and inversions. Tadasana poses are performed from a standing position. You can also perform the mountain pose actively to work your torso and legs.

Follow these steps to complete the Tadasana pose:

  • Stand with your heels slightly apart and big toes barely touching. Your second toes should be parallel. Keep your chest open and broad, with hands at your side and feet planted.
  • Feel the sensation of the pose in your legs and back. You can analyze the posture in front of a mirror. Press into your feet, including the big and little toes, and right and left side heels.
  • Take a deep breath, then roll your shoulders up and back down. Your shoulder blades should rest toward each other, with your neck stretched long. Take a few more breaths in the posture.
  • You can close your eyes while holding the pose. Keep your arms parallel with your ears. You can move into the forward fold (Uttanasana) immediately after.

2. Downward-Facing Dog

The downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is a popular pose among yogis of all stages. You can also perform the move with ease as a beginner. The pose stretches your back and leg muscles, elongates your spine, and aids digestion. You can also use it to release stress and headaches and calm your nervous system.

Here are the steps for achieving the Adho Mukha Svanasana pose in the perfect form:

  • Start with a classic plank pose and push into your hands, lifting your hips and back to inhale. Keep your shoulders engaged but not too hard, and make sure your spine remains neutral.
  • Spread your hands wide, pressing your thumb and index finger into the mat. Keep your legs as straight as possible with the heels pressing gently on the floor.
  • Your head should remain between your arms, facing your knees. Keep your back flat and hold the position for at least five breaths. Remember to warm up before the move.

3. Child’s Pose

The child’s pose (Baladana) is another excellent daily yoga pose for beginners. Like the downward-facing dog, it requires mastering the plank pose first. The child’s pose is perfect for unwinding and calming down your nervous system after a long day. Experienced yogis also use Baladana to take a break during intense moves while staying active.

Here’s how to perform the child’s pose with accuracy and strong form:

  • Start from a downward-facing dog position. Take a deep breath and release/bend your knees to the floor on the exhale. Your bottom should sit on your heels, with your chest toward the floor over your hips and knees.
  • Pull your hips back to your heels to get more leverage, and lower your shoulders, so your forehead is on the floor. You can leave the arms stretched in front or pull them next to your body, with your palms near your feet.
  • Baladana is a restorative move, so adjust as necessary. You can fold your arms under your forehead to support your head or widen your knees if necessary. Hold the pose, breath, and relax for as long as you need.

Other Popular Daily Yoga Poses for Beginners

Yoga beginners have many easy poses they can achieve with little help. Poses like the crescent lunge, warrior, triangle, low plank, upward-facing dog, tree, and dancers can prepare you for more advanced moves. The goal is to build strength and endurance, so you can do more complex poses that require better balance. 

The more you practice, the easier your workouts will get. Beginner daily yoga poses cut across all light activities, including the half-pigeon, cat-cow, and seated forward fold, are achievable on day one. You can take online yoga classes to practice at home and work your way up for more challenging workouts.

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