Better Pepperoni, Better Pizza

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Pizza is a universal crowd-pleaser and one of the world’s best party foods. While people may argue over which toppings are best, pepperoni pizza delivery near me is a frequently searched phrase for a reason. No well-stocked pizza party is complete without one or two pepperoni pizzas.

Pepperoni and pizza go hand in hand, but what is pepperoni, anyway? What separates peak-performance pepperoni from the pack? Take a deep dive into this favorite topping to appreciate pepperoni even more at your next pizza party.

Pepperoni 101

While salami and other cured sausages date back to ancient Italy, pepperoni is more recent all-American invention. It’s similar to salami or soppressata, a southern Italian spiced sausage, but there are some key differences. Pepperoni has a smaller diameter, a greater variety of spices, a lower overall heat level and a softer texture. Pepperoni is made from a blend of pork and beef, and unlike traditional Italian sausages, it’s cured in a man-made casing.

Pepperoni was made for pizza. Its smaller diameter means more pieces of pepperoni goodness per pizza slice. Its eye-catching red color and subtle sweetness both come from the American addition of paprika. Of course, the biggest advantage of pepperoni over other sausage toppings is how it curls up at the edges in the heat of a pizza oven, becoming crispy and delciious. 

The Classic Pizza Done Right

Pepperoni is a pizza marvel partly because it’s inexpensive, but there are still variations in quality. Make sure you’re getting the best possible pepperoni for maximum flavor on your pizza. The best pepperoni has these characteristics:

  • Made of pork and beef with no poultry filler
  • Includes quality paprika 
  • Freshly made and well-stored, as older pepperoni can go stale
  • Features an interesting flavor hint, such as natural smoke flavor

When looking up pizza delivery near me, make sure to choose a pizza chain known for fresh and high-quality ingredients. The only thing better than pepperoni on a pizza is the best, freshest and most flavorful pepperoni on a pizza. 

Nutritional Information

The fats and flavors that make pepperoni delicious unfortunately don’t make it the best pizza topping nutrition-wise. Adding pepperoni to a slice of pizza adds between 30-50 calories and 2-3 grams of fat.

However, any food can be part of a healthy diet in moderation. Balance out a pepperoni pizza dinner by serving the pie with a fresh salad. Many salad flavors and toppings complement the fatty, spicy qualities of pepperoni pizza. Pepperoncini peppers, banana peppers and the sweetness of a balsamic vinaigrette are all healthy options that pair perfectly with pepperoni. 

Save on Pepperoni Pizza

Pepperoni pizza is the rare delicious treat that won’t break the bank. Few foods give as much flavor return on your dollar as a pepperoni pizza. Keep a quality pizza restaurant in your list of food places near me for take-out nights. Make sure to use pizza coupons and rotating meal deals to your advantage to save even more money, whether you’re buying pizzas for a party or for an easy weeknight dinner.

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